Supporting the Salmons in Wyatt's Fight Against DIPG  image

Supporting the Salmons in Wyatt's Fight Against DIPG

100% of all donations will go to the Salmons family for their fight against childhood cancer.

$7,040 raised

$10,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Be a Warrior for Wyatt

Wyatt Salmons, 11, of Hatton was diagnosed with DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma) on Feb. 11th.

Wyatt's family is well-loved in the Callaway County community. His parents, Jason and Veronica, noticed Wyatt falling down more often and quickly took him to his pediatrician. In the blink of an eye, Wyatt was diagnosed with cancer. Not just any cancer, DIPG, the most devastating of childhood cancers.

Wyatt was flown from Women's and Children's Hospital on Valentine's Day to St. Jude in Memphis where he will undergo immediate surgery to relieve pressure from his brain, biopsy the tumor, and place his port. This sweet family will be away from home for at least eight weeks and likely more. During this time, his parents will miss work, and their expenses will exponentially increase.

Cancer is a family fight and impacts siblings too. Wyatt's brave younger brother, Cash, looks up to Wyatt with love and admiration in the midst of so many terrifying changes. Please keep Cash in specific prayer.

This gracious and humble family are great examples of God's love. Please hold them up in prayer and love. If you feel called to support them here, rest assured that 100% of your donation will go to the family.