Sam’s Mission: To help ‘All the Kids’ fighting cancer or any life altering illness. Super Sam Foundation has four main pillars: Awareness, Advocacy, Hero & Family Support, and Research. (See more about our programs and work below and by following our page on IG or FB!)
The Super Sam Foundation operates under three main principles within the work we do:
1) Does this honor God?
2) Would this make Sam proud?
3) Does this help ‘All the Kids?’
If the answer is ‘yes’ to the three principles above, we do our best to help.
Here are a few examples of our current support offerings:
*Hero Comfort Packs:* These were the wish of our founder and hero, Super Sam. These packs are filled with items that our founder said made him more comfortable, such as a soft blanket, stuffed friend, and movie. To date, this outreach has made over 3,000 kids more comfortable across the country!
*Sibling Support Packs:* Started by Ava, Sam’s twin sister, this sling bag is filled with items that helped her during Sam’s fight because as she says, “Cancer is a family fight.” These packs are filled with journals, writing utensils, stuffed animal, crazy socks, and more.
*Caregiver Support Packs:* These packs are designed to bring comfort to the parent/caregiver while functional and stylish. This bag is designed to be a hospital grab-and-go bag filled with a soft adult sized blanket, scent-free laundry supplies, journals to track medicines/treatments, toiletries, and more.
Research: To fund meaningful research grant(s) every year supporting rhabdomyosarcoma and soft tissue sarcoma research. To date, SSF has committed funding for our next grant of $100,000 to Stanford University! To date, SSF has committed $500,000 in pediatric cancer research!
The cold, hard truth is that: - Every day, 46 children in the U.S. are diagnosed with cancer.
- 1 of every 5 children diagnosed with cancer does not survive.
- More children are lost to cancer in the U.S. than any disease.
- Most chemotherapies are decades old and only a diluted version of the adult forms. This is not ideal for children and isn't acceptable.
- Pharmaceutical companies fund nearly 60% beyond the NCI's budget for new ADULT treatment research but less than 1% for children's treatments.
-Americans spend more on potato chips than pediatric cacner research each year.
Join the fight with us by supporting our work in awareness, advocacy, reseach and support. Your support is the reason so many families have been supported, key research has been funded with real progress being made in research with more lives being saved. Thank you for standing in the fight with us, for All the Kids.